۱۳۸۹ تیر ۱۵, سه‌شنبه

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should never make an important decision alone.
In my opinion, two heads work better than one. A man should consult with people versatile in the concern and benefits from their attitudes. Knowing other attitudes, the man can consider more influential parameters and almost be sure he is doing the best. Sharing his ideas and concerns he can also reduce the stresses he might have.
I believe the man going to make a delicate decision must think deeply about the current situation and consider the effects of his decision on the other behaviors. Thinking deeply, he should look for other attitudes benefiting him and share his decision with people having experienced the same problem. In this way, he has utilized other thoughts, which is why he can see more details hidden before.
In addition, sharing the concerns with the wise friends, the man would feel revealed and reduce the amount of stresses disturbing his thoughts. It is crystal clear that a placid mind knowing other attitudes comprehensively considers huge parameters affecting the situation.
All and all, in my attitude the man should open up his eyes and watch the situation carefully, then he must look for other attitudes and try to make his best decision and let the God do the rest.

۲ نظر:

شيما گفت...

Agree with ur note. cool, i liked it.correct grammer and words

سلمان گفت...

but there are lots of times which you have to choose, you have to do the last shot by yourself, all alone